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24 Sep 2024 | 09:58

Boeing makes 'best and final' offer to striking workers

(Sharecast News) - The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers called out Boeing after the aircraft manufacturer made its "best and final" offer to striking Boeing workers. Boeing's new offer, which proposed a 30% pay rise over a four-year period, also included the reinstatement of performance bonuses and improved retirement benefits.

However, the IAM stated the offer had not been negotiated with the union and that it had been "thrown" at it without any discussion - something Boeing denies.

"After listening to our employees and their concerns, Boeing today presented our best and final offer," stated Boeing, which noted the offer was dependent on it being ratified by union members by 28 September. IAM also stated it will not hold a vote ahead of Boeing's deadline.

Reporting by Iain Gilbert at
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