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Investing for Retirement
Investing for Retirement
The sooner you start making plans for retirement, the better it is likely to be in the long run, but ultimately, it is never too late to take control.
Investment decisions and objectives will change over time for a variety of reasons, but many people may feel that limited knowledge and/or time holds them back. Therefore, it's a good idea to build a good relationship with a financial adviser and investment manager who can tailor your pension and other investments specifically to your own individual needs.
20s, 30s, 40s and beyond
Retirement may seem far into the future and having the discipline to commit to regular investments is probably the hardest part of making financial provisions for retirement, as it can be tempting to use the money for other purposes.
are often used as an alternative and/or as an additional form of long-term investments to support pensions. While ISAs are not as tax efficient as
, they often appeal as they offer instant access should the capital be needed.
Contributions and/or additional contributions to a pension should certainly be given some thought, though any decisions regarding a pension, particularly outside a company scheme, should be discussed with a financial adviser.
Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)
, once considered a niche market for ultra-high-net-worth clients, have become increasingly popular. There are a variety of SIPP products with lower-cost options for the simpler products and prices increasing as the investment mix gets more complex. In addition to the capital gains, income and inheritance tax benefits offered by all pension arrangements, SIPPs offer three main advantages over a traditional pension: control; flexibility; and transparency. However, please note that we are not a provider of pensions, nor a pensions adviser, but we do offer investment services for self-invested and personal pensions and offer competitive annual fees for the administration of your pension scheme.
Approaching retirement
At this stage of life, the investment timeframe is obviously shortening, which may prompt decisions about how you will generate the income you desire in retirement and also how your investments are allocated in terms of equities and bonds. As you near retirement, you may give consideration to having a greater bias to income producing assets rather than capital growth.
When you retire, the main concern will be accessing the savings pot that you have built up. The changes to pension rules that the government introduced means that a lump sum can be taken tax-free and the requirement to buy an annuity has now gone. A financial adviser would be able to guide you through your options ~ we can provide you with a referral to an authorised firm if required. The portfolio of your investments is likely to be focused on providing a regular income, although a growth element would still be advisable in order to combat the effects of inflation.
To talk to an investment manager about how we can help you with preparing for retirement please call
0344 259 0001
or contact your local office.
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