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20 Sep 2024 | 08:03

Eco Buildings receives preliminary order from Albanian customer

(Sharecast News) - Modular housing company Eco Buildings Group has received a preliminary order of 5,000 square metres of walling from R&T Sh.p.K. for installation as a permanent perimeter wall around a residential tourist site in Albania. Eco Buildings said on Friday that it was also in detailed negotiations to provide the buildings making up this development and expects to be able to provide a further update in the near term.

In addition, the AIM-listed company said it has already executed on three new orders for small structures which have already been delivered to the customer, with the last structure currently in final assembly stage. These dwellings include a 40 sqm single-story office, a 25 sqm security guard block and a 120 sqm two-storey laboratory currently being completed.

Accordingly, Eco Buildings advised that it was expecting to receive over €1.0m of revenues from the sale of Eco products between now and year-end.

As of 1005 BST, Eco Buildings shares were down 1.95 % at 10.05p.

Reporting by Iain Gilbert at
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