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21 Aug 2024 | 10:01

Nexxen International strikes ACR data deal with The Trade Desk

(Sharecast News) - Advertising technology platform Nexxen International said on Wednesday that its recognition data was now available on The Trade Desk. Nexxen said its automatic content recognition data segment's integration offered The Trade Desk advanced cross-channel and cross-device targeting capabilities, for more efficient media investment across the premium, open internet.

"We've long understood and appreciated the ways in which ACR data can empower advertisers to better understand their audiences' TV viewership patterns and inform their cross-platform investments," said Karim Rayes, chief product officer at Nexxen.

"Ultimately, we want to ensure these advertisers have access to the richest, most relevant data available and the flexibility to activate that data across the premium, open internet - which is exactly what this partnership with The Trade Desk brings to market."

As of 1000 BST, Nexxen shares were up 1.90% at 290.40p.

Reporting by Iain Gilbert at
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