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21 Jun 2024 | 15:13

Tata workers to stage first UK steel strike in over 40 years

(Sharecast News) - Trade union Unite announced on Friday that around 1,500 Tata workers based in Port Talbot and Llanwern would start an all-out indefinite strike, starting on 8 July. The union said the action was a response to Tata's plans to cut 2,800 jobs and shut down its blast furnaces, marking the first strike by UK steel workers in more than 40 years.

It said industrial action had escalated after workers initiated a work-to-rule and overtime ban on 17 June 17.

"Tata's workers are not just fighting for their jobs - they are fighting for the future of their communities and the future of steel in Wales," said Unite general secretary Sharon Graham.

"Our members will not standby while this immensely wealthy conglomerate tries to throw Port Talbot and Llanwern on the scrapheap so it can boost its operations abroad.

"They know South Wales is ideally placed to take advantage of the coming boom in green steel - if the right choices are made.

In response to the escalating situation, United noted that the Labour Party was urging Tata to delay its plans until after the general election.

Labour had pledged a £3bn investment in UK steel if elected, and prioritised emergency talks with Tata.

"The strikes will go on until Tata halts its disastrous plans. Unite is backing Tata's workers to the hilt in their historic battle to save the Welsh steel industry and give it the bright future it deserves," Sharon Graham added.

Reporting by Josh White for
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