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11 Jun 2024 | 13:46

Senior Hamas official says UN ceasefire proposal has been accepted

(Sharecast News) - A senior official from Palestinian terrorist group Hamas reportedly said the organisation had accepted the ceasefire resolution that had been approved the night before by the UN Security Council. The official, Sami Abu Zuhri, said the proposal had been accepted and that Hamas was ready to negotiate the details, but that Washington had to guarantee that Israel would meet its end.

US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, termed the agreement "a hopeful sign" but said that what "counts" is a firm answer from Hamas's leadership in Gaza, which had not yet been forthcoming.

Zuhri was based outside Gaza.

The first reaction from the street in Gaza was reportedly one of scepticism.

As of 1347 BST, front dated Brent crude oil had yet to respond to the latest reports out of Gaza and was last edging lower by 0.12% to $81.51.

August gold futures on COMEX meanwhile were moving up by 0.3% to $2,333.90/oz..

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