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07 May 2024 | 07:46

German exports rise 0.9% in March; Factory orders fall

(Sharecast News) - German on Tuesday reported an unexpected 0.9% rise in exports in March compared with the previous month, according to official data. The figure beat expectations of a 0.4% increase and was also 1.2% higher year on year.

Imports rose 0.3% to €111.9bn and were down 3.0% on the same month a year earlier.

In March, Europe's largest economy saw increases in exports to EU member states and third countries, by 0.5% and 1.3% respectively.

The foreign trade balance showed a surplus of 22.3 billion euros in March, compared with a forecast 22.2 billion euros and 21.4 billion the previous month.

In a separate release, the Federal Statistics Office reported an unexpected decline in industrial orders in March, which fell by 0.4% on the previous month.

Reporting by Frank Prenesti for
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