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05 Apr 2024 | 13:07

Tekcapital upbeat on progress at investee company Guident

(Sharecast News) - Tekcapital updated the market on its investee company Guident on Friday, as the latter incorporated its remote monitoring and control (RMCC) technology into the MiCa autonomous shuttle being developed by Auve Tech. The AIM-traded firm said Auve Tech was officially introducing its flagship product, the MiCa shuttle, into the US market.

It said the vehicle promised turnkey autonomous transportation solutions, designed for diverse environments, as well as seamless integration into existing transport networks.

In a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing safety features and advancing autonomous technology, Auve Tech partnered with Guident to integrate its RMCC teleoperation solution into the MiCa autonomous shuttle.

The company said the culmination of the partnership would be highlighted at the Guident Headquarters inauguration on 18 April in Boca Raton, Florida.

"Since establishing our strategic partnership, we have been thrilled to collaborate with the Auve Tech team on several projects," said Guident executive chairman and chief executive officer Harald Braun.

"We are particularly excited to achieve a significant milestone with Auve Tech's entry into the US market coupled with the integration of our advanced teleoperation technology."

At 1228 BST, shares in Tekcapital were down 0.06% at 8.24p.

Reporting by Josh White for
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