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27 Mar 2024 | 09:04

Asos, Boohoo, Asda ordered to green up their act

(Sharecast News) - UK regulators have ordered Asda, Asos and Boohoo to avoid "greenwashing" environmental claims on the clothing they sell.

The trio will now have to file regular reports to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) after the regulator started probing in 2022 amid worries the retailers were not using evidence to back up their "green" claims.

All have agreed to set out their claims more accurately and not to use "natural" imagery such as green leaves to make a product look better than it is. They were warned that fines could be imposed under current laws for any breaches.

Asda, now privately owned by the billionaire Issa brothers Mohsin and Zuber sells clothing in the UK under its 'George' label.

"What we're asking firms to do is put themselves in the shoes of their shoppers, and see whether that claim is understandable in its own right - is it accompanied by information that makes clear what that means?" said CMA interim executive director for consumer protection and markets George Lusty.

Reporting by Frank Prenesti for
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