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11 Mar 2024 | 12:17

Cordel finance chief to take six-month sabbatical

(Sharecast News) - Cordel Group announced Monday that its chief financial officer, Thouraya Walker, would be taking a sabbatical of up to six months. The AIM-traded firm said the decision was made for personal reasons, adding that Walker would continue to serve on the board as an executive director without portfolio, and would actively participate in board meetings during her absence.

To ensure continuity and maintain the company's financial stability, Cordel said it had enlisted the expertise of Natasha Dinneen as the interim finance chief.

It said Dinneen would bring a wealth of experience, having served as a KPMG auditor and held senior finance positions in early-stage technology firms in the UK.

Reporting directly to the CEO on a daily basis, Dinneen would provide necessary financial oversight, with regular updates to the board and audit committee as required.

The transition to Dinneen's interim CFO role would be facilitated by a two-week handover process.

Effective immediately, Dinneen would assume responsibilities for up to six months, ensuring the company's financial operations continued uninterrupted during Walker's sabbatical.

"We take care of our valued team members at Cordel and always endeavour to accommodate their needs, whilst ensuring that their responsibilities are covered," said chief executive officer John Davis.

"We are delighted to have Natasha stepping in and are very confident in her experience and capability."

Reporting by Josh White for
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