Country Code |
Country Name |
National Identifier |
Potential Source of Information |
AT |
Austria |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
BE |
Belgium |
Belgian National Number
(Numéro de registre national - Rijksregisternummer) |
National ID. |
BG |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarian Personal Number. |
Passport, National ID and Driving Licence. |
CY |
Cyprus |
National Passport Number. |
A Passport issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Interior. |
CZ |
Czech Republic |
National Identification Number
(Rodné číslo). |
It is printed on a birth certificate (paper), National ID (laminated or plastic card), Driving Licence (laminated or plastic card). |
DE |
Germany |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
DK |
Denmark |
Personal Identity Code
(CPR number)10 digits alphanumerical: DDMMYYXXXX |
Passports, Health Care Card and Driving Licenses. |
EE |
Estonia |
Estonian Personal Identification Code (Isikukood).
Passport, National ID and Driving License.
ES |
Spain |
Tax Identification Number
(Código de identificación fiscal). |
National Identification Card (document nacional de identidad – DNI – or carnet de identidad), Driving License or Social Security Card. |
FI |
Finland |
Personal Identity Code |
Passport or National ID |
FR |
France |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
GB |
United Kingdom |
UK National Insurance number |
National Insurance Card, paper card or letter from HMRC and may also be obtained from a payslip, P60, tax returns or letters from the DWP/HRMC. |
GR |
Greece |
10 digit dematerialised Securities System (DSS) investor share. |
Investor share is the account of the investor in the DSS which is operated by the Central Securities Depository S.A. |
HR |
Croatia |
Personal Identification Number
(OIB – Osobni identifikacijski broj) |
National Identity Card or internet engines but it can also be found on other personal documents. |
HU |
Hungary |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
IE |
Ireland |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
IS |
Iceland |
Personal Identity Code
(Kennitala) |
Passport, National ID and Driving Licence. |
IT |
Italy |
Fiscal Code
(Codice Fiscale)
It can be printed on a paper card (old version) or on the National Health Service magnetic card (newer version). |
LI |
Lichtenstein |
National Passport Number |
Passport. |
LT |
Lithuania |
Personal Code (Asmens Kodas) |
Passport, National ID and Driving Licence. |
LU |
Luxembourg |
Not required. |
National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening. |
LV |
Latvia |
Personal Code (Personas Kods) |
National ID and/or Passport. |
MT |
Malta |
National Identification Number |
National ID. |
NL |
Netherlands |
National Passport Number |
Passport. |
NO |
Norway |
11 digit Personal ID
(Foedselsnummer) |
Includes, but not limited to Passport, National ID Card and Driving License. |
PL |
Poland |
National Identification Number (PESEL) |
Birth Certificate, National ID and Driving License. |
PT |
Portugal |
Tax Number
(Número de Identificação Fiscal) |
RO |
Romania |
National Identification Number
(Cod Numeric Personal) |
Birth Certificate, Identity Card and Driving License. |
SE |
Sweden |
Personal Identity Number |
Passport, Health Care Card and Driving License. |
SI |
Slovenia |
Personal Identification Number
(EMŠO: Enotna Matična Številka Občana) |
Birth Certificate (paper), National ID Card (laminated or plastic card) and Driving Licence (laminated or plastic card). |
SK |
Slovakia |
Personal number (Rodné číslo) |
Birth Certificate (paper), National ID Card and Driving Licence. |
All Other Countries |
Passport Number |