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27 Feb 2024 | 15:58

Ocean Harvest granted patent covering OceanFeed benefits

(Sharecast News) - Ocean Harvest Technology announced the granting of a second patent on Tuesday, covering various claims related to the benefits of its 'OceanFeed' product. The AIM-traded firm said the patent would safeguard claims regarding the positive impact of its product on animal gut health through its proven prebiotic effect.

It said it also asserted that the in gut health translated into tangible benefits such as increased body weight and enhanced feed efficiency across a diverse range of animals.

The board said the development was integral to the company's intellectual property strategy, providing crucial protection for its core claims regarding the functionality and benefits of its OceanFeed product.

Notably, the patent encompassed a spectrum of formulations, granting the company flexibility in using various seaweeds and their proportions to tailor end products for customers.

OHT noted that no similar patents had been granted in any of its target markets, further consolidating its unique position.

"The granting of this patent is a very important milestone for OHT," said chief executive officer Mark Williams.

"For a number of years we have been demonstrating improved performance in production animals from adding OceanFeed to their diets including higher growth rates, reduced mortality and improved feed efficiency.

"The grant of this patent enables us to uniquely make and protect the claims over these performance improvements and how they are achieved, which is through the specific prebiotic effect our product has in the microbiome of the animals."

At 0813 GMT, shares in Ocean Harvest Technology were up 7.08% at 12.85p.

Reporting by Josh White for
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