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23 Oct 2024 | 12:06

Cordel AI overhead measuring tech gets Network Rail approval

(Sharecast News) - Cordel Group announced on Wednesday that Network Rail has granted approval for the use of its AI-powered technology to measure overhead line equipment (OLE) on electrified railway lines. The AIM-traded company said the certification from the Network Rail Technical Authority confirmed that the system, which captures LiDAR data from passenger trains travelling at line speeds of up to 140 kilometres per hour, met the railway infrastructure owner's standards.

It said the certification validated the use of its AI-driven system as a reliable alternative to traditional, more labour-intensive methods of OLE measurement, which often rely on dedicated specialist vehicles or manual processes.

Such conventional methods also posed potential safety risks, while Cordel's system allowed for data collection from ordinary trains running in normal service, providing a safer and faster approach, the board explained.

The approved system integrates Cordel's mobile laser scanning technology with its in-house AI processing platform, which automatically analyses and processes the captured point cloud data.

That, Cordel explained, enables it to confirm compliance with OLE standards or quickly identify any developing deviations, allowing for timely corrective actions to prevent potential issues.

Additionally, accurate height and stagger measurements could help to optimise maintenance schedules, reducing the need for frequent interventions and increasing the intervals between required track work.

"Cordel achieved this approval for capturing and processing data from trains running at full speed in passenger service," said chief executive officer John Davis.

"Network Rail has some of the most stringent infrastructure monitoring standards in the world, and we believe this approval consolidates our position as the most advanced supplier of AI-driven railway infrastructure insights."

At 1250 BST, shares in Cordel Group were up 6.78% at 6.14p.

Reporting by Josh White for
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