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24 Sep 2024 | 07:18

Jim Mintern named CEO of CRH as Manifold retires

(Sharecast News) - Building materials group CRH said on Tuesday that Albert Manifold has decided to retire as chief executive at the end of this year and will be succeeded by Jim Mintern. Mintern is currently chief financial officer and has been a director of the board since June 2021. He has more than 30 years of experience in the building materials industry and 22 years with CRH, serving in various senior leadership roles.

CRH said he has "deep" industry knowledge, has led a variety of operational businesses "and is an accomplished developer of teams and people". Most recently, Mintern led the strategic transition of CRH's primary listing to the New York Stock Exchange.

Manifold, who has held varied responsibilities with CRH since he joined in 1998, will step down from the board and relinquish his executive responsibilities on 31 December. He will continue as an advisor to CRH for a further 12 months.

Manifold said: "I am pleased that Jim, who has a deep understanding of CRH, will succeed me when I retire at the end of this year. This will be his time.

"Jim's experience, capabilities and ambition for the business ideally position him to lead the CRH team forward through an era of enormous opportunity."

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