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29 Aug 2024 | 11:18

Totally wins multiple new contracts and extensions

(Sharecast News) - Healthcare services firm Totally said on Thursday that it has won multiple new contracts and contract extensions for urgent and elective care services in England and Ireland valued at roughly £4.0m. Totally said a new insourcing contract for the delivery of ophthalmology outpatient clinics on behalf of Saolta Group of Hospitals will target the clinical assessment of patients at University Hospital Galway and Sligo University Hospital, with all clinics delivered during weekends when hospital facilities were not otherwise in use.

The AIM-listed group stated the contract was awarded following a full competitive tender process and was valued at approximately £1.0m for services delivered during 2024. Following the initial period, Totally stated the contract may be extended to accommodate the assessment of further patients in 2025, subject to ongoing demand and budget availability.

In addition to the new contract, Totally also secured a further new contract and two extensions totalling around £3.0m including a new contract for the provision of direct access MSK physiotherapy services in the South East, and contract extensions for the delivery of GP OOH in the North East and the provision of dermatology clinics in the Northwest of England.

As of 1115 BST, Totally shares were up 4.43% at 9.66p.

Reporting by Iain Gilbert at
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