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08 Jul 2024 | 10:47

Eurozone investor morale plunges in July - Sentix

(Sharecast News) - Investor morale in the eurozone recorded a bigger-than-expected decline in July, according to a survey published on Monday as geopolitical worries hit sentiment. The Sentix index for the single currency bloc fell to -7.3 points for July from 0.3 in June. Forecasters had expected a softer fall to zero.

The index on expectations also saw a drop, falling to 1.5 in July from 10.0 in June, a move that Sentix said was "likely to worry forecasters".

"The recent recovery of the European economy has come to an abrupt end," Sentix said in a statement.

Investors said they were concerned about French elections, where the results have created a political stalemate, upcoming German state elections and uncertainty over the US presidential election later this year.

Reporting by Frank Prenesti for
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