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21 May 2024 | 12:47

B90 Holdings to benefit from Oddsen marketing deals

(Sharecast News) - Gambling marketing and service provider B90 Holdings announced on Tuesday that its key affiliate,, has signed fixed listing fee marketing agreements expected to generate €0.2m in revenue for the group in 2024. The AIM-traded firm said the agreements also offered the potential for additional revenue based on marketing performance, enhancing their overall value.

It said, traditionally focussed on Nordic traffic, had recently expanded its platform globally.

The platform includes a forum where users discuss sports betting events throughout the day, and also offers unique betting bonuses. had provided free betting tips for more than 20 years, achieving a 4% return on turnover since 2001, and was now extending its services to include online casino bonuses.

The company said the platform's global reach was supported by its availability in English and plans for further language optimisations.

"The operations of have shifted from being Nordics focused, to having a global reach," said B90 executive chairman Ronny Breivik.

"We are delighted that this shift in focus has already put us in a position to sign long term, value generative partnerships with reputable partners in the sector.

"'s new expansion plans are also in lockstep with B90 Holdings' plans for growing its organic business."

At 1304 BST, shares in B90 Holdings were up 1.61% at 3.15p.

Reporting by Josh White for
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