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13 May 2024 | 07:54

Rio Tinto automated iron ore train derails in Western Australia

(Sharecast News) - An automated iron ore train operated by mining giant Rio Tinto has derailed after colliding with a set of stationary wagons in north-western Australia on Monday, the company said. The incident occurred about 80 kilometres outside the West Australian town of Karratha, a Rio Tinto spokesperson said, adding that 22 wagons and three locomotives were impacted.

"There were no people within the vicinity of the incident and no injuries. We have notified the appropriate regulators and commenced an investigation.

Australia's Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) said a recovery train was reported to have collided with the ore train it was sent to retrieve after it was "disabled by a mechanical failure".

Reporting by Frank Prenesti for

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