Before subscribing please ensure you have read and understood all of the information below. Please note any New Issue or Initial Public Offering (IPO) offers may be restricted to residents of certain geographic areas; please check the offer terms for details.
You should be aware that, whether the offer be for shares or retail bonds, you may not receive the full amount that you have applied for and the company may scale back (reduce) applications if the offer is oversubscribed. In some circumstances, the terms of the scale back will be dictated to Redmayne Bentley by the lead broker in the New Issue or IPO and Redmayne Bentley will be required to apply these terms across all of the applications received for that particular offer. In other circumstances, the lead broker may allocate a total subscription amount to Redmayne Bentley without specific terms for the scale back and reserve the right to vary allocations between different intermediaries. In the event that this does occur, Redmayne Bentley may base our total allocation on various factors including on a ‘first come, first served’ or pro-rata basis.
Please note this allocation policy is not exhaustive and Redmayne Bentley reserve the right to close applications earlier than the advertised closing time and apply scale back terms other than those described in this allocation policy.
Where an offer has been scaled back Redmayne Bentley will confirm the exact number of shares or bonds allocated.
By subscribing to any share or retail bond offer, you understand that any allocation made to you will be contractually binding.